Thursday, December 20, 2012

Countdown to Christmas: Mary (Not ruining it for you)

You may read that Mary does question the angel, much like Zachariah but it how she questioned the angel that make it different.  She's not talking back.  Zachariah wanted to know how will he know the angel's message will happen.  He wanted to use his knowledge.

Mary wanted to know how it's possible, but she's not relying on what she's knew. 

This young girl - an example of good faith but I want to say she's more.  She's obedient. "I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered "May it be to me as you have said."

Later her cousin Elizabeth said "Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished."

I don't know about you but I find it hard to continually believe what the Lord told me will be accomplished sometimes.  Obedient to God is hard.

Don't take my word for it, try it.

But see I want to be obedient like Mary.

(I also want to sit at the feet of Jesus like the another Mary of the bible (Mary and Martha) and know what it truly important. [that for another post])

Anyway I want to be obedient.  Right now God's telling me to wait.  Not sure what I'm waiting for but to wait.  I want, in my quiet way, to rush ahead of God and find what I'm waiting for.

It could be any number of things...

But I know that I'm to believe, pray and seek out God while I wait.  Again here where Mary is obedient she goes to her cousin's house to wait.

Dear Lord Jesus,

I asked You to bless those who are waiting for an answer. To help those waiting to seek Your presence, for You to dwell in them.  To let them know they are loved and not alone.  You hear them and You are healing their brokenness as they wait.

In Your Holy Name, Lord Jesus, I pray, Amen!  

A servant of the Lord Jesus,

Annie Laurie

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