Sunday, February 24, 2013

9 Steps Plotting Outline and A ROW80 Check-in

Here is a plotting outline I found over at Jody Spark's Blog


I'm thinking about using it for writing my 2nd draft. Thank you Amy Beth and Hunter for their advice in the comments from my last ROW80 post. They answered my call for help.

Goals for the next week of ROW80 (decide to roll with this day by day, week by week)
To create an outline for my 2nd draft based on this plotting outline.
To create an About Me page for this blog.
Add a picture - time for me to say this is me (so to speak)

So how is your writing coming?


  1. Hi Annie,
    Thanks for posting that plotting outline. Let us know how it works coming in at a second draft!
    Good luck with the goals.

  2. Thanks for the plotting outline! Your goals for this week sound reasonable and attainable. Good luck!

  3. You're welcome Ladies. Hope it helps y'all too.
