Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Today's Thoughts Oct. 2

Today, I prayed about my health, a few hours later I'm checking out the gym the town called Max Fitness. I'm pretty sure I'm going to join.

This is still along the line of changes like yesterday's "Today's Thoughts"

I know changes is coming, it's part of life.  So I pray for blessings and leave my life in God's hands.  He can create a better life then I can.  He's better at creating a new day and I prefer He be in control then me. 

Does this mean I wouldn't try to control my life? No.  Most likely I'll try to take control of it in 5 minutes or least after leaving this computer.
 But then hopefully I'll pray again for God to take control.

A life with God is scary but a life without Him is even more scary to me.

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